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The thecal sac is filled with spinal fluid and is located in the membrane of the dura mater near the spinal cord. When the thercal sac is compressed it can affect the spinal column and functions of the spinal cord.

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Q: When the thecal sac is compressed does it affect the pudendal nerve?
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What is narrowing of the the thecal?

The narrowing of a thecal sac depends on where it is located. It might be a bulging disc or a pinched nerve.

What structures pass through the inguinal canal in a female canine?

The structures which pass through the inguinal canal in the female canine and feline are: # Vaginal Process (wraps around ligament of uterus and fat) # External pudendal artery # External pudendal vein # Genitofemoral nerve. In the male canine / feline, the structures which pass through the inguinal canal are: # Vaginal Tunic # Testis # Spermatic cord # External pudendal artery # External pudendal vein # Genitofemoral nerve.

What part of the body does nerve entrapment affect?

refer to a particular type of pinched nerve, in which peripheral nerves are chronically compressed resulting in pain or loss of function in an extremity. The most common nerve entrapment syndromes affect the median, ulnar and radial nerves of the arms.

What is deformity of the thecal sac?

A thecal sac deformity is usually associated with a herniated disc, however some thecal sac deformities are congenital. If the deformity is associated with a herniated disc, surgery may be recommended.

What sensation does a person have whose median nerve is compressed?

When the median nerve is compressed, an individual's hand will feel as if it has "gone to sleep."

Which nerve is compressed in case of carpal tunnel syndrome?

median nerve

What is the ventral sac?

The Ventral Thecal Sac encloses the spinal cord and the nerve endings of the lumbar regions thecal sac (cauda equina) and serves as a protection for both and for the entire lumbar spinal region. The ventral thecal sac contains cerebral spinal fluid and it also serves as a buffer for the cauda equina.

What is the damage nerve results in wristdrop?

- Wrist drop occurs when the radial nerve becomes compressed or damaged.

Which nerve supplies the pelvic floor?

The pudendal nerve (part of the somatic nervous system, voluntary control) innervates the pelvic floor. It also innervates the external urethral sphincter; the internal urethral sphincter is innervated by the pelvic nerve (part of the parasympathetic nervous system, involuntary control).

Which are the following structures passes through the greater sciatic foramen of the llium?

pirifomis musle superior gluteal artery and vein internal pudental atery and vein superior gluteal nerve inferior gluteal atery and vein inferior gluteal nerve pudental nerve sciatic nerve poterior femoral cutanious nerve nerve to obturator internus nerve to quadratus femoris

What is a thecal sac?

The correct word is thecal sac which is located witin the spinal vertebra. It is made up of a mixture of pia-mater-wrapped lumbar, sacral and coccygeal nerve roots and it protects these roots. The nerve roots of the thecal sac float freely in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) which provides both protection and nutrition for the roots.

What is meant by moderate ap thecal sac stenosis of 6.4 mm?

It means moderate spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis (or narrowing) is a common condition that occurs when the small spinal canal, which contains the spinal cord, becomes compressed. This causes a 'pinching' of the spinal cord and/or nerve roots, which leads to pain, cramping, weakness or numbness.