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Q: When the three primary colors of light are mixed the resulting color is?
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What colors are not consider a primary color of light?


What colors are not a primary color of light?

Magenta is not a primary color of light. In the RGB color model, the primary colors of light are red, green, and blue. Magenta is created by combining red and blue light.

What color do you get when you mix all the primary colors of light?


What are the 3 primary colors in light?

Red, green, and blue. Yellow is NOT A primary color of light (it's secondary).

Which is not a primary color redgreen blue or yellow?

Green is not a primary color. The primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.

What does equal amounts of the primary colors of light produce?

It produces a secondary color of light.

When 3 primary colors of light overlap what color do you get?

dark orange

When combined in equal amounts what do the three primary colors of light produce?

You see white light. White light is the normal color that comes out of your average lightbulb. Colors only reflect a certain portion of the visible spectrum and that is why under a black light or a red light the colors are not as you normally see them.

What is the color produced by blending the three primary colors of light?

The color produced by blending the three primary colors of light (red, green, blue) is white.

What color is not consider primary color of light?

Magenta is not considered a primary color of light. Primary colors of light are typically red, green, and blue in additive color theory. Magenta is a secondary color created by combining red and blue light.

What color is made by mixing the three primary light colors?

i think brown

What is secondary color of light?

the three colors of light-cyan, yellow, and magenta-produced by mixing pairs of the primary colors of light in equal quantities.