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Q: When the virus enters a bacteria it leaves behind?
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Which part of the virus enters the bacteria and produced more viruses?

The virus attaches to the outer cell wall,inserts its DNA. It takes the cells functions over and starts a viral factory.

What stage is it when a virus enters a host cell?

The virus enters the host cell in the penetration phase.

A virus that infects bacteria?

A virus that infects bacteria is called a bacteriophage

What part of the virus remains outside the bacterium?

The proteins in the capsid allow the virus to attach to the "docking stations" proteins of the host cell. This capsid is left behind. If the capsid has an envelope, that is also left behind. The DNA or RNA enters the cell.

Is conjuctivitis caused by bacteria virus or fungi?

Bacteria and virus

What virus infect bacteria?

Bacteriophage is the virus that infects bacteria

Is bronchitis a virus or bacteria?


Once bacteria is in the body how does it reproduce?

I'm not sure this is also for bacteria, but when a virus enters a host, it travels to a nearby cell and attaches to it and fuses a chemical into it containing its DNA. Once inside, the DNA duplicates over and over making copies of that virus until the cell explodes releasing the new virus' and they repeat the process. You cannot kill a virus with medicine since it is not a living thing. Bacteria on the other hand is a living thing.

Is typhoid fever caused by bacteria virus or parasite?

Bacteria Virus

What is a parasite bacteria or virus?

Bacteria. A virus is a non-living thing. Bacteria is a living thing.

Is pneumonia caused by a virus or bacteria?

a bacteria. the bacteria that causes pneumonia is called pneumoniae.

What is a bactriophage?

No, a bacteriophage is any virus that specifically attacks bacteria.