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If in an isolated spot, probably a spring, otherwise perhaps a swamp or a mere.

Wetland is a preferred term these days to swamp.

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Q: When the water table rises above the surface of the earth it forms a what?
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Heat from the earths center flows toward the suface because why?

Heat from the Earth rises to the surface because heat rises. Heat rises because it is energy and the atoms are looking for more space to move freely in.

Why does precipitation occur when warm air rises?

Warm air masses naturally rise above cold air, due to density differences. As the air mass rises into regions of lower pressure, it expands and cools. As it cools, water vapor condenses and forms extensive cloud coverage. The first clouds to form along the sloping surface of the cold air are high cirrus, which thicken to cirrostratus and altostratus. Once the clouds have thickened to 2500 m from the earth's surface, rain can begin to fall from the heavy nimbostratus cloud.

How does the earth recycle its water?

Earth recycles it's water by the Water Cylce. The Sun's heat heats the water causing it to evaporate in to water vapour. It also does this to plants and that is called transpiration. As the water vapour rises it cools down and forms clouds. The clouds are moved by prevaling winds. The clouds get denser and denser and eventually falls back down as rain. The rain either runs down on the Earth's surface that is called surface run - off. Or it soaks into the ground and becomes ground water. It takes 40,000 years for the earth to recycle its own water. Without human intervention.

What word of kind of action pulls plates apart?

Tectonic plates, if it is the plates you are talking about, move because of Earth's interior. Recall that inside Earth is flowing lava that rises to the surface. That lava pushes the plates nearest it so it can make place for itself.

Why does magma rise through the crust above it in an erupting volcano?

The Earth's internal pressures force magma to the surface in areas of weakness , or sometimes faults.

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When the water vapor rises from earth's surface and forms clouds it undergoes which processes?

Evaporation and Condesnsation

What is molten rock above the earth surface?

Molten rock at the earth's surface is called lava. Molten rock beneath the earth's surface is called magma.

What is the process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises to earth's surface and solidifies at a mid-ocean ridge?

seafloor spreading

How do mountains form over hot spots?

Any mountian that forms over a hot spot is volcanic. The molten rock rises to the earth's surface in a mantle and forms a volcano

What is the Term that is used to describe when magma rises to earth's surface but does not occur at a boundary?

term that is used to describe when magma rises to earth's surface but does not occur at a boundary

What does magma become once it rises to the earth's surface?

Magma that reaches the Earth's surface is known as lava.

How does uneven heating of earth's surface produce wind?

When the sun heats water opposed to land, the air rises more over land. Near a shoreline when the air rises above land, area near surface is replaced by the air from above sea, making movement called sea breeze.

What is a difference between a spring and a well?

A spring is where water rises above the ground level from a given point in the earth and a with a well, you have to dig down into the earth to reach water and then pump it up to the surface.

What is A part of earth's surface that rises 1000 feet or more?

A Mountain

What form is radiation emitted from the earth's surface back into the atmosphere?

Heat rises from the surface of the earth in the form of infra-red radiation.

The opening in Earth's crust through which magma rises to the surface is known as the?

The opening in the earth crust which magma rise to the surface are Volcanoes

What causes the movement of the plates across Earth's surface?

Plates at our planet's surface move because of the intense heat in the Earth's core that causes molten rock in the mantle layer to move. It moves in a pattern called a convection cell that forms when warm material rises, cools, and eventually sink down. As the cooled material sinks down, it is warmed and rises again.