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hey honey yes i guess so

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Q: When the wish bracelet falls off will the wish come true?
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What does it mean when your wish bracelet falls off but does not break. Does it come true and can you reuse it for another wish?


What do you do if your wish bracelet is falling apart?

Let it, that's the point. When it falls off your wish will come true, so Ive heard. I hope you made a good wish. :). I think yours is gonna come off soon, happy wishing. Enjoy your wish coming true. Now my bracelet needs to come off. Haha.

If your brazilet falls off can you put it back on and make another wish? want it to break! That means that your wish has come true!

What is the duration of Wish Come True?

The duration of Wish Come True is -2700.0 seconds.

What is the history behind friendship bracelets?

Friendship bracelets have been worn by Indians in Central and South America then brought to the United States by religious groups. These bracelets are made by mostly teenage girls for their friends. When the bracelet is placed on the wrist, the friend must make a wish. It is then left on until it falls off on its own, at which point the wish will come true.

When was Wish Come True created?

Wish Come True was created on 2010-06-20.

Is it true if you make a wish on a shooting star it will come true?

the is 63.7% chance your wish will come true if you have faith and truly believe in in your wish and you wish with all your heart then your wish will come true its has happen to a lot of people before! so believe in it and it will happen:)

When you make a wish how do you know its going to come true?

you dont but if you want your wish to come true go to you got nothing to lose! do what it tells you and your wish will come true.

If you make a wish at eleven eleven will it come true if you tell anyone?

Wishes really don't come true whether you tell someone or not. A wish is a hope and to have a hope come true means you have to do something. If I wish to be a doctor I have to do what it takes to be a doctor. I won't wake up one morning and be a doctor. If I wish to travel I have to do the things to make it come true. Take you wish and turn it into a goal and then you can have it come true.

Does 11 11 wish come true instantly?

No. Wishes only come true if you do things to make them come true. Otherwise a wish is just that and something that is not real.

How do you make a wish come true overnight?

Wishes don't just come true for everyone unless when you do something to make them come true however there those people who were born with the extra powers those are the kind of people who gets there wishes come true. You can make a wish come true when you concentrate on your wish with all your minds on your wish, the energy within you can help you achieve your goal.

If you wish on a shooting star will your wish come true?

If you believe.