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Egyptian priests would normally not live in the pyramid until the Pharaoh was removed. Though if the Pharaoh wanted them to stay in the temple at the time until he was properly buried somewhere else, yes they sometimes did.

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Q: When there was mummy buried there the priests used the pyramids as a place to live?
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What was the burial place for the pharaoh In Ancient Egypt?

Originally, pharaohs were buried in mastabas. Then, Imhotep (the mummy in The Mummy) stacked one on another, making the step pyramid. After that, pyramids were the place to be buried. When people realized pyramids were getting robbed, the Valley of the Kings, a more secret location, was used, and underground tombs were created.

Where does magnificent mummy maker take place?

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A place where the dead are buried in ancient egypt?

One of the places where a lot of the dead are buried are in the pyramids. This is the system the Egyptians used to bury their dead.

Why were the pyramids created in Egypt?

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What is the functions of the wives pyramids?

The wives pyramids, also known as queen pyramids, were built next to the pyramids of Egyptian pharaohs to house the remains of the pharaoh's wives or close relatives. These smaller pyramids were designed to honor and provide a burial place for important women in the pharaoh's life.

When did people find Cleopatra's VII mummy?

We know she was buried by Mark Anthony, but we haven't found her final resting place.

What is the burial place for pharaoh in ancient Egypt?

In the pyramids in the north near Cairo or the tombs in the south near Luxor.

What did ancient Egyptians put dead bodies in?

In a tomb.... then they buried the important people in the pyramids and the not so important people any random place in the dessert ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

What were the pharaohs buried IN?

Pharohs weren't actually buried in pyramids, there are little rooms inside the pyramids that the parohs and their possesions were put in. but first they went through the mumification process. so the pharos were stored in rooms in their coffins. sometimes they even got a whole pyramid dedicated to them. depending on how important they were.

Why werent egyptians successful mummy makers?

What? They were "successful mummy makers". They are the people who created the mummy in the first place.

Why did they build they pyramids?

Egyptain pyramids were originally built to serve tombs for kings and queens. After a ruler died, his or her body was carefully treatedd and wrapped to preserve it as a mummy. According to ancient Egyptain belief, the pyramid, were the mummy was placed, provided a place for the king to pass into the afterlife. In temples nearby, priest preformed rituals to nourish the dead monarchs spirit, which was belived to stay with the dead body after dead. Hope my info. helped you!!!

Were the Egyptian pyramids used for mummification?

egyptians believed that EVERYONE had a spirit so the mummified it. so no they mummified everyone.