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Q: When thermal energy moves from something warn to something cool?
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How does a thermostat use thermal expansion to run the heater?

thermostats contain bimetallic strips, which are strips of two different metals joined together. When the thermostat is on cool, thermal energy is released. when the thermostat is on high, thermal energy moves through the air (everywhere in the atmosphere).

Why will heat not flow from an ice cube to a hot drink?

Heat is the flow of thermal energy from one object to another. Heat always moves from warm objects to cool objects, not cool objects to warm objects.

When thermal energy is removed from matter what happens to its temperature'?

it is hot temperature but when thermal energy leaves the temperature is cool

What device transfers thermal energy from a cool area to a warm energy?

A refrigerator.

Does a gas lose or gain thermal energy in condensation?

The gas begins to cool down, and lose thermal energy, and moves up in the ladder of the 3 states of matter. Gasses condense into liquids, liquids turn into solids. The higher up you go, the less thermal energy the object has.

How does evaporation from a liquid cool it down?

Heat of vaporization. It takes a lot of energy for something to change state from liquid to gas. That energy is called the heat (or "enthalpy", sometimes, if you want to be pedantic about it) of vaporization. The energy used to do this comes from taking out some of the thermal energy of the material, which causes it to cool down.

What energy is the movement of thermal energy from worm to cool objects?

it is heat because temperature is being transferred

Can thermal energy be cool when its hot?

Yes. But a cooler body has less energy than a hotter object

How does ice cool something?

Okay, let's say you put ice next to some coffee. Thermal energy travels from the coffee into the ice. So when the thermal energy store in the coffee decreases the temperature decreases and the ice cube increases and melts. I hope I helped

Does thermal energy always travel from cooler to warmer objects?

Well the predictable pattern is when the warmer object always flows energy to the cooler until they both are the same temp

What do you call the movement of thermal energy from a warm area to a cool area?

There are three ways thermal energy can be transferred: conduction, convection, and radiation.

How do radiators transfer thermal energy to your home through conduction convection and radiation?

conduction and convention is not a energy it is how energy moves and travels and warm air goes up then when it starts to cool it goes back down to cool that's why you should have insulation so heat doesn't escape. it vibrates the particles in the air this is called conduction :) hope this helps :)