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Floodwaters, impact, early river civilizations.

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Q: When thesis statement about the impact floodwaters on early river civilizations would most likely connect which three words?
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Which is better Maya or Aztec?

Both the Maya and Aztec civilizations made significant contributions to Mesoamerican culture and history. The Maya excelled in architecture, mathematics, and astronomy, while the Aztecs were known for their impressive military and political organization. Both civilizations had complex religious beliefs and rituals that continue to captivate modern scholars. It's difficult to say which is "better," as both civilizations have left a lasting impact on the region.

What did Atlantis influence today?

The myth of Atlantis has inspired numerous books, movies, and theories about lost civilizations. It has also influenced popular culture, with references to Atlantis appearing in comic books, video games, and other media. Some people believe that Atlantis could have been a real place that had a significant impact on ancient civilizations.

What impact did the Neolithic Revolution have on early civilizations?

The Neolithic Revolution marked a shift from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities. This led to the development of permanent settlements, surplus food production, specialization of labor, and social hierarchies. Overall, it laid the foundation for the rise of complex civilizations by providing the necessary conditions for population growth and societal organization.

What influence do the Inca have on todays civilizations?

The Inca civilization has left a lasting impact on today's civilizations through their advanced system of engineering, agriculture, and architecture. Their techniques, such as terraced farming and irrigation systems, are still used in modern agriculture. Additionally, Inca astronomical knowledge influences modern science, and their Quechua language continues to be spoken by millions in South America.

What did the effect of farming have on people?

The effect of farming had a significant impact on people as it led to the development of settled communities, the rise of civilizations, and the ability to produce a surplus of food. This shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled farming communities allowed for population growth, specialization of labor, and the advancement of technology and civilizations.