

When to use commas?

Updated: 4/26/2024
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4d ago

Use commas to separate items in a list, to separate clauses in a sentence, to set off introductory phrases or clauses, and to separate non-essential information in a sentence.

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Do Mexicans use commas?

Yes, Mexicans use commas in writing to separate items in a list, to mark off introductory words or phrases, and to separate clauses in a sentence. The use of commas in Mexican Spanish follows the same principles as in other varieties of Spanish.

How to use commas?

smeell sqiuirly

You have an English book and you want to look up how to correctly use commas?

You can find tips on correct use of commas on

Where do you use commas in your writing?

You use commas when your writing a list of things like fruit names. You would not just leave it like this apple orange grapes and pear. You would rather use commas like this apple, orange, grapes and pear.

How do you use a comma when writing in expanded form?

I do not use commas.

Proper use of commas when listing?

Commas should be used after the first term, stopping at the "and" of the last term, if you don't use oxford commas. For example: There was a dog, cat, bird, fish and monkey. If you do use oxford commas, the comma goes before the and, as well: There was a dog, cat, bird, fish, and monkey. You never use the comma before the last term.

Do you use a commas before the word 'as'?

No, not always.

What punctuation do you use for speech?

inverted commas

Are commas used between adjectives?

Only when you are listing should you use commas between adjectives. Hope this helped :)

Do you use commas before the word and?

That is a general rule, but there are exceptions to virtually every rule. It would be better to avoid such commas.

Do you Use commas around an idea that interrupts a sentence?

Yes, commas are used around an idea that interrupts a sentence. This interruption is known as an "interjection" and is set off by commas to help clarify the structure of the sentence.

Where do you use commas in the date?

After the day but not necessarily after the year