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Q: When trying to persuade listeners to take action you should usually not be too specific or else you will risk alienating the audience.?
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The three general purposes of giving a speech are to inform, persuade, and entertain the audience. Informative speeches provide information or educate the audience on a specific topic, persuasive speeches aim to convince or sway the audience's beliefs or actions, while entertaining speeches focus on engaging and amusing the audience.

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What is persuasive spech?

A persuasive speech is a type of speech that aims to influence or change the audience's thoughts, beliefs, or actions on a particular topic. It typically uses logical reasoning, emotional appeal, and credibility to convince the audience to adopt the speaker's point of view or take a certain course of action. The goal of a persuasive speech is to persuade, motivate, or inspire the audience to agree with the speaker's position.

What are the Basic types of speech?

The basic types of speech are informative, persuasive, entertaining, and special occasion speeches. Informative speeches aim to educate the audience on a specific topic, persuasive speeches seek to convince the audience to adopt a particular viewpoint, entertaining speeches are meant to amuse and engage the listeners, and special occasion speeches are delivered at specific events or ceremonies.