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The product is a molecule with covalent bonds.

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3d ago

When two atoms form a chemical bond by sharing electrons, the resulting molecule will have a stable configuration, with the atoms being held together by the shared electrons. This sharing creates a bond that can be either covalent or polar covalent, depending on the electronegativity of the atoms involved. The resulting molecule may exhibit different physical and chemical properties compared to the individual atoms.

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Q: When two atoms form chemical bond by sharing electrons the resulting molecule will?
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What will the resulting molecule be When two atoms form a chemical bond by sharing electrons?

When two atoms share electrons to form a chemical bond, they create a molecule. The resulting molecule will have a stable arrangement of electrons, known as a covalent bond, that holds the atoms together. This sharing of electrons allows both atoms to achieve a more stable configuration and lowers the overall energy of the system.

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A covalent bond occurs when atoms share electrons equally. In this type of bond, the atoms have similar electronegativities, resulting in a balanced sharing of electrons between them. This sharing creates a stable molecule.

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Unequal sharing of electrons in a water molecule causes the molecule to be polar.

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A nitrogen molecule is covalent because it forms a covalent bond between the two nitrogen atoms by sharing electrons. This sharing of electrons makes the molecule non-polar because the electronegativity of both nitrogen atoms is the same, resulting in a balanced distribution of charge.

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When you add another atom to a molecule, it is called a chemical reaction or a process of chemical bonding, resulting in the formation of a new compound. This can involve sharing, transferring, or rearranging electrons between atoms to create new chemical bonds.

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There are covalent bonds found in TTX and a covalent bond is a sharing of two electrons between two atoms in a molecule.

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When two or more atoms bond together and share electrons, they form a molecule. This sharing of electrons allows the atoms to achieve a full outer energy level and become more stable.

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Nonmetals typically react with each other through covalent bonding to share electrons. These reactions involve the transfer of electrons leading to the formation of molecules such as hydrogen gas (H2), water (H2O), and ammonia (NH3). The reaction between nonmetals does not involve the transfer of electrons like in ionic bonding between metals and nonmetals.

When two atoms form a chemical bond by sharing electrons will the resulting molecule be polar or non polar?

The polarity of the molecule will depend on the electronegativities of the 2 atoms involved. For example, a molecule of F2 where F binds to F will be non polar as there is no difference in electrnegativities. However, a molecule of HF will be polar because F is more electronegative than is H.

Is H2 a dipole molecule?

Yes, H2 is a nonpolar molecule because it consists of two identical atoms of hydrogen sharing electrons equally, resulting in a symmetrical distribution of charge and no separation of charge.

How do chlorine atoms form the diatomic chlorine molecule CL2?

Chlorine atoms come together to form the diatomic chlorine molecule by sharing a pair of electrons through a covalent bond. Each chlorine atom has 7 electrons in its outer shell, so by sharing one electron with another chlorine atom, both can achieve a full outer shell of 8 electrons, resulting in the stable Cl2 molecule.

Why a dipole develops in a molecule?

a dipole develops in a molecule due to unequal sharing of electrons.