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They often form a diatomic molecule.

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Gonzalo Abernathy

Lvl 13
1y ago
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Q: When two atoms of the same nonmetal react they often form a.?
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When two atoms of the same nonmetal react the often form an?

Diatom via a covalent bond

When 2 atoms of the same nonmetal element react they form what?

You think probable to diatomic molecules but these are not formed by a reaction.

Which pair of atoms will form an ionic bond apex?

An ionic bond is formed between two atoms with a large difference in electronegativity, typically a metal and a nonmetal. For example, sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) can form an ionic bond to create sodium chloride (table salt).

Sodium metal can react with the nonmetal chlorine to form what?

Sodium metal can react with the nonmetal chlorine to form sodium chloride, which is a white crystalline compound commonly known as table salt.

When atoms react they form a chemical bond which is defined?


What elements do nonmetals react with?

Nonmetals may react with metal to form ionic compounds (salts) or other nonmetal elements to form organic compounds.

What type of atoms form a covalent bond?

Non-metal atoms typically form covalent bonds by sharing electrons to achieve a full outer electron shell and become more stable.

What do atoms do when they react with other atoms?

They form a molecule by the intermediate of chemical bonds.

Why do atoms react with one another and form chemical bonds?

Atoms react with one another and form chemical bonds to achieve a stable electron configuration. By sharing, gaining, or losing electrons, atoms can attain a full outer energy level and be in a lower energy state, increasing their stability. This allows them to form more stable compounds and maximize their bonding energy.

What is the basic rule for predicting how the ions of a metal and a nonmetal will react to form a compound?

The basic rule is that metals tend to lose electrons to form positively charged ions (cations), while nonmetals tend to gain electrons to form negatively charged ions (anions). When a metal and a nonmetal react, the metal will typically donate electrons to the nonmetal, resulting in the formation of an ionic compound with a metal cation and a nonmetal anion.

Why do nonmetal atoms form anions when they react to form compounds?

Nonmetal atoms tend to gain electrons to achieve a full outer shell of electrons and become stable. This leads them to form anions, which are negatively charged ions, by gaining one or more electrons during chemical reactions. This electron gain allows them to attain a stable electron configuration similar to that of a noble gas.

Because carbon has four electrons in its outer energy level it can do what?

Because carbon has four electrons in its outer energy level, it can readily form covalent bonds with other atoms, allowing it to form a wide variety of compounds. This ability to form diverse bonds is the basis for the vast array of organic molecules found in living organisms.