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Recessive alleles must be homozygous in order for the trait to be displayed phenotypically.

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Q: When two of the same alleles are needed to be seen in the offspring's genotype those alleles are what?
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How are phenotypes and genotypes related to natural selection?

Phenotypes are the physical characteristics resulting from an individual's genotype, which is their genetic makeup. Natural selection acts on phenotypes by favoring traits that confer a reproductive advantage, leading to the increased frequency of the corresponding genotypes in a population over time. This process drives the evolution of populations by selecting for genetic variations that enhance an individual's survival and reproductive success.

Can you determine a persons genotype based on phenotype?

In some cases but not others. Certain alleles can be dominant, which means that they will dictate the phenotype should there be a clash of alleles in the genotype. Other alleles can be recessive, which means you'd need both of these alleles in these genotype in order for it to dictate the phenotype. This means that if a person's phenotype represents a dominant trait, we cannot be certain what their genotype is. If, however, it represents a recessive trait, we know that their genotype must be the recessive allele twice.

What is an interaction between alleles in which both alleles are expressed more or less equally or a blending occurs called?

Those would be called co-dominant alleles.

When two different alleles appear on one gene but one of those alleles appears in the phenotype?

complete dominace

When two different alleles appear on on gene but only one of those alleles appears in the phenotype is demonstrated?

complete dominance

True or false even though a gene has multiple alleles a person can carry only two of those alleles?


When two different alleles appear on one gene but only one of those alleles appears in the phenotype is demonstrated.?

complete dominance

When two different alleles appear on one gene but onely one of those alleles appears in the phenotype what is demonstrated?

complete dominance

When two different types of alleles appear on one gene but only one of those alleles appears in the phenotype what is demonstrated?

Complete Dominance

How do you find the possible genotypes of the children of a woman with blood type O and a man with blood type AB?

There are three alleles for blood type which can be represented by IA, IB, and i. A person with blood type O has the genotype ii. A person with blood type AB has genotype IAIB. If these two people produce children, those children will inherit one allele from each parent. They will therefore certainly inherit the i allele from their mother and either the IA or the IB from their father. The children with the genotype IAi will have type A blood, since the IA allele is dominant to the i allele. The children with the genotype IBi will have type B blood, since the IB allele is also dominant to the i allele.

How many of those offsprings would you expect to have white flowers?

If we assume complete dominance of the white flower trait and use a Punnett square for a heterozygous cross (Rr x Rr), we would expect approximately 3 out of 4 offspring (or 75%) to have white flowers and 1 out of 4 offspring (or 25%) to have red flowers.

Why do you have more genotypes than phenotypes?

Because those alleles segregate, or seperate, and combine again to make different alleles, thus making different phenotypes.