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Q: When two plates move away from each other what fault is it?
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What is the name of the fault that is moving away from each other?

The Plates are Divergent.

How a fault mountains forms?

when 2 plates move away from each other

What happens when two plates pull away from each other in opposite directions?

When any fault occurs or tectonic plates pull away from each other under the ground. An earthquake happens.

Explain how a fault-block mountain forms?

when 2 plates move away from each other

Why are the pacific plates and the antarctic plates moving away from each other?

Because over time plate tectonics move apart. they either move apart, collide, or slide against each other. it's like the San Andreas fault those plates are moving away from each other.

Are the pacific plates and the antarctic plates moving towards each other or away from each other or past each other?

the plates are moving away from each other.

How do fault mountains occur?

Where two plates move away from each other tension forces create many normal faults.

What are the technical names for each of the tectonic plates movements?

Divergent Boundaries, Convergent Boundaries and Transform Fault Boundaries. Divergent Boundaries move away from each other, Convergent Boundaries collide with each other and Transform Fault Boundaries grind past each other.

How do fault block mountains occur?

Where two plates move away from each other tension forces create many normal faults.

What type of fault is convergent boundary?

A convergent boundary is a reverse fault. It's a reverse fault because it it pushing together, while a divergent boundary is a normal fault because 2 plates are pushing away from each other.

What type of fault is a convergent boundary?

A convergent boundary is a reverse fault. It's a reverse fault because it it pushing together, while a divergent boundary is a normal fault because 2 plates are pushing away from each other.

A transform fault boundary occurs where two plates what?

Transform fault boundaries happen at the site where two tectonic plates move past each other in opposite directions. The two plates will grind past each other, breaking off pieces of crust from the plates. The plates can get caught on each other and pressure will build up until a break develops and the plates will lurch forward.