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not normal it sounds like a yeast infection to me

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Q: When urination white discharge comes out its normal or abnormal?
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It is light, clear, has no or little odor and comes and goes with the phases of the menstrual cycle then it is probably normal. If it is abnormal for you or not some of the above then it should be checked.

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Normal profit is the expected profit in a business. Abnormal profit comes from an unexpected source and is usually a unique instance.

Is it normal to have viginal discharge but not your period?

Yes, it's normal to have vaginal discharge but not your period. Discharge starts as you enter puberty and continues throughout your life, typically menarche comes within four years of starting puberty.

What is the white stuff that comes out of a girls private?

It's a vaginal discharge so yes it is normal.

White or yellow discharge from the uterus?

it's called vaginal discharge. it's what comes out when your body "cleans out" the inside of the vagina. it's very normal.

White gunk comes out of your ear piercing hole?

The whitish discharge from the piercing is lymphatic matter and will do not harm it's the normal discharge a piercing will create as it's healing.

Is discharge of semen inside vagina during pregnancy normal?

Discharge of semen I don't get. Semen comes form men and discharge form women. Unless he put it there you can't have any. It is normal to have sex during pregnancy though if that is what you mean unless the doctor have said otherwise.

What does it mean when you squeeze your nipples and clear liquid comes out?

if it is clear its normal. if its white and milky its abnormal unless of course you are pregnant

What do vaginas do?

Vaginas give birth to babies, they are also a place for mating. And they are for for periods and urination. And they also give out discharge it is really gross. Only it comes before periods not when they are turned on. They are also for emptying.

How do you get rid of discharge from your vagina?

You can not. Vaginal discharge is natural and normal and should not and can not go away. That is the vaginal cleaning system. When you menstruate the egg comes out with the discharge and the discharge keeps the good bacteria on the right level. It also work as lubrication during sex and protects the vaginal tissue.

Why do girls have clear stuff on there underwear?

The clear stuff that i sin girls underwear is called discharge. It comes before your period, its perfectly normal.

Does lochie smell?

Yes, the smell of post partum discharge is normal. Think about how it would smell if everything you usually pass monthly comes out after nine months. That is not going to be the prettiest smell in the world. But it is normal.