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You're doing it the hard way. Boric acid is a staple of off the shelf baits- you are trying to manufacture it at home and hoping the species of ant you are after will be drawn by the cat food. Search Fluoridated ant bait stations- they are commercial quality and the best I've used yet. Irresistible to almost all ants.

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Q: When using borax and cat food to kill ants how much of each do you use?
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How do ants know where food is if they can't see it?

ants smell their food using the antenae on their heads

Do you use wet cat food or dry cat food mixed with borax to kill ants?

You are going to a lot of trouble to make ant bait when you can buy it premade. Boric Acid (Borax) is the active ingredient in just about all of them and the baits are usually more attractive than pet food. Recommend Fluorguard if you are looking for a bait that works on most common ants (non-fire/pharoah)

How do ants hunt for food?

Ants are able to find food by communicating with each other. They use they pheromones to direct each other on where the food would be.

Is it true that ants use communication to tell each other where to find food?

Ants use chemical signals to tell each other about food and a number of other things like enemies.

What do ants say to each other?

follow me i found the food sourse

Why ants crawling and meet each other at the line?

Ants use chemical signals to impart information to each other. This can be information is generally about food or predators. When you see them following each other they are following a chemical trail not the ants in front of them.

How do ants work together in a colony?

Ants work together in a colony by each ant having their own job. There are ants that gather food, there are scout ants that find food for the other ants to gather. There are also warriors who attach other nests and defend their own nest and queen.

Where does ants get food?

ants get food from their senses

Why do ants touch each other so much?

It is their mode of communication about movement,procurement of food etc. that ants touch each other while passing in a row.

How do you make squishy putty?

You can make squishy putty by using borax, glue, and water! Mix a little of each together, add food colouring, and there you have it! Store in airtight container in fridge. Be careful, this putty stains!

What is a sentence using the collective noun for ant?

A colony of ants was diligently working together to gather food for their queen.

Do borax crystals grow with food dye?

no it does not