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Q: When using running water as a method of thawing food the water temp should be what?
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What should be the correct temperature of running water which is used for thawing?

It depends upon what you are using it for. I generally use room temperature water for cooking.

Is a safe method for thawing foods?

Food is best thawed in the refrigerator, however, some frozen foods can be safely thawed in a container of running cold water. This will reduce the defrosting time but it is important that the water be cold and running. For this method, the food should be tightly wrapped or frozen in a container so that it is not in direct contact with the water, the water must be constantly circulating around the food so that as the exterior thaws it remains at a safe temperature of 41 degrees or below. Food should never be thawed at room temperature or by using warm or hot water or in a non-running water bath.

How long will frozen meat stay good outside of refrigerator?

Once the meat is fully thawed and at room temperature the max is four hours. Because the meat is frozen you have alittle extra time while it thaws. It is hard to tell when the meat has reached room temp so it's best to thaw it in the refridgerator.

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How would you make a sentence using the word soften?

Thawing a frozen turkey will soften it.

What is the proper technique for thawing frozen food?

cool running water works best...NOT warm...micro-organisms grow and the water could partially cook the food prematurely=food poisoning. Not Bueno. The safest way to thaw food is to put it in the refrigerator.

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A method that return a value should have a return statement. The method signature should indicate the type of return value. While in the case of a method that does not return a value should not have a return statement and in the signature, the return type is void. When using a method that doesn't return a value, a programmer can not get a value from that function, but instead, it can only change variable values and run other methods.

When should food be removed from sink when using running water to thaw?

When it is completely thawed.

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You don't, because it DOESN'T prevent pregnancy! You should be using condoms!

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observe and record data.

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