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Q: When using the phrase all men are created equal the writers of the declaration of independence were implying which ideal?
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Who were the writers for the declaration of independence?

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What did the writers declare in the Declaration of Independence?

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According to the writers of the Declaration of Independence and the Framers of the Constitution who has unalienable rights?

all people

Who was part of making the preamble to the constitution?

The writers of the declaration of independence they made t to explain our rights

Why was the quill pen important in history?

The writers of the Declaration of Independence the articles of confederation and The constitution all used quill pens to create these famous documents

Who discovered the inalienable rights?

The U.S. Declaration of Independence 1776 wrote that every person had unalienable rights which were life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. So the writers of the Declaration of Independence were the ones who discovered this unalienable, but they mainly this idea was from John Locke who believe in natural rights which were life, liberty, and protection of property! I would say they writers of the Declaration of Independence got it from John Locke.

Why did they pick Thomas Jefferson to to write the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas wrote the Declaration of Independence because people said he was one of the best writers in the town and he had a way with a pen.He also wanted freedom for the United States.

What are examples of propaganda in the Declaration of Independence?

Propaganda techniques are used when someone is trying to persuade someone into their point of view. One of the most recognized types of propaganda used in the Declaration of Independence is "name calling". The writers of the Declaration referred to the King as a "tyrant" in this respect.

How did john Locke's concept of natural rights influence the writers of the delclartaion of independence?

Locke's "Treatise on Government" espoused the principle that governments exist to serve the governed, which was the central principle of the Declaration of Independence.