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If you have had chicken pox, then you will not get shingles from anyone else. If not, you may get chicken pox, not shingles.

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Q: When visiting a person in the hospital with shingles what are the chances of getting it?
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How likely are you to get chickenpox from someone with shingles if you have not had chickenpox?

You could get chicken pox if you have never had it before. However, while your chances of getting chicken pox from someone with shingles is in the realm of possibility, you will rarely come across someone with shingles, since they are mostly home with the illness.

Will the shingles vaccine protect you from ever getting shingles?

Shingles vaccine protects you from the shingles for few years only.

Can you get shingles vaccine if you have had herpes?

Herpes zooster can cause shingles. This type of herpes causes chicken pox. It's slightly different then the herpes that causes cold sores and genital herpes. If you have had chicken pox as a child then you could possibly get shingles later in life.

Can chickenpox vaccine prevent shingles by cryosurgery?

Those who have had chickenpox vaccine have a lower risk of shingles, but you can talk with your health care provider about getting shingles vaccine. I have no idea what cryosurgery has to do with shingles.

Can you get the shingles vaccine after having shingles?

You could get the vaccine if you already had shingles; but it may not help you from recurrence of zoster, which by the way is less than 5%. If it does recur, the vaccine may help you.

Does getting shingles mean you are in poor health?

No, it does not mean that.

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One in six chances of getting a six

What are the steps in getting a vaccine for shingles prevention?

First of all, it is recommended that you are age 60 or above. the Shingles prevention vaccine is a one-time vaccination. Talk to your healthcare professional about the Shingles vaccine.

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The chances of getting a male riolu in the egg are much greater than those of getting a female. Your chances of getting a female are about 12.5%. You have to be patient and keep trying.

Little babies that developed shingles before getting chickenpox?

Babies do not develop shingles before chicken pox. Vise verse is true.

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