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Congressional Research Service was created in 1914.

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Q: When was Congressional Research Service created?
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When was Congressional Research Service reports created?

Congressional Research Service reports was created in 1914.

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When was War Research Service created?

War Research Service was created in 1942.

What is the name of two Congressional Research Services listed online?

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) is a branch of Congress that uses funds and information from other branches of Congress to research and learn. Reports by them are not made available to the public.

What are three Congressional staff agencies?

1. Government Accountability Office (GAO -- formerly General Accounting Office) 2. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) 3. Congressional Research Service (CRS)

What is the primary task of the congressional research service?

The primary task of the Congressional Research Service (CRS) is to provide nonpartisan research and analysis to members of Congress on a wide range of issues. They produce reports, memoranda, and briefings to help inform lawmakers on policy matters to support their legislative decision-making.

When was Congressional Institute created?

Congressional Institute was created in 1987.

When was Congressional Quarterly created?

Congressional Quarterly was created in 1945.

When was Congressional Digest created?

Congressional Digest was created in 1921.

When was Congressional Club created?

Congressional Club was created in 1911.

What are four important support agencies in Congress?

There are approximately four important support agencies in Congress. The support agencies are the Congressional Budget Office, Congressional Research Service, General Accountability Office, and the Technology Assessment Office.

When was Congressional Pictorial Directory created?

Congressional Pictorial Directory was created in 2007.