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Democratic World Federalists was created on 2004-01-28.

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Q: When was Democratic World Federalists created?
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Who had a better understanding of government the Federalists or the Democratic-Republic?


What was another name for Anti-Federalists?

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The first partisan political division in the US was between?

The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists

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What two parties were created after the constitution was ratified?

The federalists and the democratic-republicans were the two major political parties after the ratification of the constitution.

What do federalists believe?

federalists believe that democratic republicans should not be able to participate in the judiuary act.

What political parties did the democratic republicans oppose?


What political parties did the democratic-republicans oppose?

The Democratic-Republicans opposed the Federalist Party, which they saw as too centralized and favoring special interests over the rights of states and individuals. They also opposed some policies of President George Washington, particularly his administrations' pro-British stance.

Which economic interests were served by the Federalists?

the democratic republicans

What did federalists view of Jefferson?

he was the head of the opposite party, the democratic republicans. Thus, his opinions were the oposite of that of the federalists.

Was the democratic republican party also known as the anti-federalists?

Probably. They surely were the main opposition to the Federalists.

What kind of government is the antifederalist?

The Anti-Federalists were Democratic-Republicans.