

When was Galileo time line?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: When was Galileo time line?
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Galileo emphasized the concept of inertia, stating that an object will remain in its state of motion unless acted upon by an external force. This was in contrast to Aristotle's view that objects naturally come to rest due to their inherent tendency to seek their "natural place."

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In galileo`s time the catholic church was at authority

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No. The magnetic compass was in use centuries before Galileo's time.

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Galileo was Born on15th January 1564 and he died 16th February 1642

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Galileo Galilei worked alone, which was common during his time. He did correspond with other scientists, such as Kepler.

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No, Galileo was an unmanned probe. At this time, it is not possible for humans to travel to Jupiter.

How did living during the Renaissance affect Galileo Galilei?

It was hard life time to accomplish great things but Galileo was able to

When did Galileo discover Saturn?

Galileo observed Saturn's rings in 1610 with his telescope. However, he initially mistook them for handles or large moons and was unable to accurately identify them as rings.

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It was the church.

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