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It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels was created in 1952-06.

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"It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels" was created in 1952 by Kitty Wells.

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Did God create demons?

In Christian theology, it is believed that God created angels with free will, and some of these angels who rebelled against God are now known as demons. These fallen angels chose to follow Satan instead of serving God, resulting in their transformation into demons.

Who is above god?

Nobody is above God. We humans are created beings and angels are created beings too, God is on a higher level than we are on. I Amanda is on the 3rd level, The angels are on the 2nd level and God is on the 1st Level. There are no other gods before Yahweh it is written ``You shall have no other gods before Me`` says Yahweh. Only Yahweh is God, Yahweh is God alone.But the Covenant which G'd has made with Israel is above G'd. So... G'd is above G'd. While you can have theoretically, a level above one Being, (perhaps there is a G'd above G'd; who does G'd worship?) There cannot be one above the Law, since there would still have to be the Law. The Law stays even with multiple hierarchical levels. This is one of two solutions Hillel made to the criterion problem.

Where can you find pictures of the 7 days of creation?

You can find pictures of the 7 days of creation in various places, such as religious books, art galleries, museums, and online platforms like websites or social media. Search for keywords like "7 days of creation art" or "creation story illustrations" to find a variety of visual representations of this biblical theme.

What year was the world made by God the Savior?

According to Christian belief, the world was created by God, the Savior, but there is no specific year mentioned in religious texts. The creation story in the Bible is generally understood as a theological account rather than a historical one.

What is a made up prayer?

A made-up prayer is a prayer that is created by an individual or a group to address a specific intention or purpose. It is not part of any established religious tradition or scripture. These prayers are often personal and can be tailored to reflect the beliefs and values of the person or group creating them.

Related questions

What song was first you didn't know god made honky tonk angels or it wasn't god who made honky tonk angels?

"I didn't know god made honky tonky angels" is a line from Hank Thompson's song 'The Wild Side of Life' from 1952. Kitty Wells then released the song 'It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels' as a reply. Both songs were based on the traditional spiritual 'The Great Speckled Bird'.

Who sung didn't know God made honky tonk angels?

Hank Williams

What other songs used the same tune as Great Speckled Bird?

The Great Speckled Bird The Prisoner's Song The Wild Side of Life It wasn't God Who Made Honky-Tonk Angels

Main points of constitution of 1956 in points?

The constitution wasnt created in 1956, it was made in 1776.

When were angels created?

Angels are said to be spirit beings, so that would lead me to think an angel is pure energy..Catholic AnswerAngels are created by God out of nothing, that is what creation is: bringing something into being from nothing. Everything other than God is created by Him.

What is Kitty Wells best known for?

Kitty Wells was an American country music singer. She is perhaps best known for the song It's Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels. She died in July 16, 2012 in Madison, Tennessee.

Who wrote honky tonk angels and it wasn't god who made honky tonk angels?

Dora Belle burns wrote the original song and sent it in to be published long ago. Not knowing any better, she sent it on her own and they sent it back to her telling her they couldn't use it. Then later it comes out with a few words changed of course and somebody else gets all the credit ! typical !!!!! but sad. She wrote that along with others about her husband, my father inlaw, Wayron Burns. Just so ya know.

How was mind flex made?

it wasnt

How did god became?

there is one god only Allah he wasnt ever made. he is living on for ever and he is the one who created all human beings.

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It wasnt it was made up to control the government

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no it wasnt

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The devil was not "made." The Scriptural account is that the devil was originally created by God as one of His many good angels. A rebellion against God amongst the angels occurred - the leader of whom is the devil. The good angel was indeed made by God, but the devil (as he now is) was not made by God.