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King of Hearts - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - was created in 1865.

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Q: When was King of Hearts - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - created?
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Related questions

Which queen does Alice meet in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?

The Queen of Hearts

Whose tarts were stolen in Alice in Wonderland?

The tarts belonged to the Queen of Hearts:'The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts,All on a summer day:The Knave of Hearts, he stole those tarts,And took them quite away!'(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, chapter XI)

Who is the Queen of Hearts' nephew in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?

There is no reference to the Queen of Hearts having a nephew in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.The ace to ten of hearts are described as 'the royal children', but there is no other mention made of the Queen's relationship to her family.

What are the political issues in 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'?

Lewis Carroll is addressing the issue of tyranny in showing the queen of hearts.

Who captured Alice?

Alice was captured by The Red Queen's soldiers in Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."

Who said off with her head?

The phrase "Off with her head" is famously associated with the Queen of Hearts in Lewis Carroll's book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". The character is known for her short temper and tendency to order executions at the drop of a hat.

Who are the most disagreeable characters in Alice in Wonderland?

The Cheshire Cat is usually thought of as the most agreeable character in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. He is not unpleasant to Alice and, during the croquet match, she goes so far as to describe him as a friend.

Who was the thief in the queen of hearts kitchen?

The thief in the Queen of Hearts kitchen was the Knave (Jack) of Hearts, as depicted in Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." The Knave was accused of stealing the Queen's tarts and put on trial for the crime.

Was the queen of hearts from Alice in wonderland fat or skinny?

The Queen of Hearts is typically depicted as overweight in various adaptations of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."

What tune did the hatter have to sing at the great concert given by the Queen of Hearts?

The Hatter had to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat" at the great concert given by the Queen of Hearts in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."

Who was evil in Alice in Wonderland?

There are no 'bad characters' as such in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - no villains, no bad guys - but the Duchess and the Queen of Hearts are the most unpleasant characters who Alice encounters.

Is Queen of Hearts good or bad?

The Queen of Hearts is typically portrayed as a villain in popular culture, known for her short temper and tendency to order executions. In "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," she is shown as tyrannical and unjust.