

When was Ocean Surgeonfish created?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Ocean Surgeonfish was created in 1855.

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Q: When was Ocean Surgeonfish created?
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What eats ocean surgeonfish?


Can you get a surgeonfish in animal crossing lets go to the city?

Yes you can in the ocean.

What class are surgeonfish?

Surgeonfish are tropical marine fishes of the family Acanthuridae of the classActinopterygii.

Why are surgeonfish called surgeonfish?

Because they have spikes near the tail, which should be avoided if they are aquarium fish.

What does surgeonfish eat?

Surgeonfish mainly feed on algae, seaweed, and other plant material. They are herbivores and play a crucial role in keeping coral reefs healthy by preventing algae overgrowth. Some surgeonfish will also feed on small invertebrates like plankton.

What is a surgeonfish?

The surgeonfish (sometimes called surgeon fish) are members of the Acanthuridae family, which contains tangs, unicornfish, and doctorfish.The name "surgeonfish" is derived from the razor sharp spines (scalpels) at the base of their bodies, just in front of the tail fin. These are very sharp!

What kind of fish are herbivores in the ocean?

Herbivores eat only plant material. Some fish that are herbivores are the tilapia, yellow bloth rabbitfish, the Japanese angelfish, the surgeonfish, and the blenny fish.

Arabian Surgeonfish how long they live?

100 day

Are clown fish compatible with palette surgeonfish?


What is the life cycle of the surgeonfish?

why cant nobody answer the question

What ecosystem is a Palette surgeonfish live in?

They inhabit marine ecosystems.

Where the blue tang lives?

The blue tang is a type of surgeonfish that live near reefs in the waters of the Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and the Mexican Gulf. These are herbivorous fish that are prey for carnivorous fish like the tuna.