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Pluto was officially 'downgraded' to minor planet status on September 13, 2006. It was deemed that Pluto was actually part of the Kuiper belt - and not part of our solar system.

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Q: When was Pluto downgraded from a plant?
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What had happen to Pluto the planet?

It was downgraded.

When was Pluto formally downgraded from a planet to dwarf planet Apex?

After a vote by the International Astronomical Union.

When did Pluto officially get kicked out of the solar system?

It was not kicked out of the solar system. It was downgraded to a dwarf planet. Dwarf planets and lesser items, like asteroids and comets, are all part of the solar system. Pluto was downgraded on the 24th of August 2006.

Are you sure that Pluto isn't a planet anymore?

Pluto has been downgraded to dwarf planet. It is still a planet but it is not a planet on the same levels as Mars or Earth, for example.

Was Pluto a inner or an outer planet?

it WAS technically an outer planet before it got downgraded to a dwarf planet

What is the name of Pluto's planet?

Charon. It's more of a satellite than a planet, unless you want to consider Pluto/Charon as a double planet. That's a little awkward, since Pluto has been downgraded to a planetoid.

When did scientist say that Pluto is a dwarf plant?

pluto isnt a plant

Which planet is the furtherest from the sun?

Neptune, now. Pluto has been downgraded to a planetoid. There were times that Pluto would be closer to the sun than Neptune, too. So it would depend when you asked.

When was Pluto unclassified?

The International Astronomical Union changed the classification of Pluto in August of 2006. They downgraded it from a planet to a dwarf planet.

Do all astronomers think that Pluto is a planet?

No. It was categorised as a dwarf planet in 2006, but not all astronomers agree with that decision.

What is Pluto called now?

It is still known as Pluto, even though it was downgraded to a dwarf planet and given a number. So really we should call it 134340Pluto.

Is Pluto a plant?

Pluto is not a planet. It is is a dwarf planet, it was once a plant but sciencetist now say it isnt a plant