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Martha was the sister of Mary Magdalene and Lazarus. We Know only what we read about her in the Gospels of Luke and John, We know that she busied herself preparing a meal for Jesus and his disciples, then went to Jesus to complain that Mary did nothing while she had to do all the housework.

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13y ago
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13y ago

St. Martha was declared a saint before the official canonization process was instituted in the 12th century. She would have been declared a saint to the bishop by those who knew her best and were familiar with her life and merits. The local bishop would them make the decision. Today only the pope can declare saints after years of study by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican. The church does not create saints. Only God can do that. The Church "screens" candidates for sainthood to determine if they had a life worthy of emmulation. In other words, do they make good role models. Also, the Church has to be assured that the person is actually in Heaven. That is the reason that today a number of miracles must be verified before a person can be declared a saint.

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13y ago

St. Martha was declared a saint before the official canonization

process was instituted in the 12th century. She would have been declared a

saint to the bishop by those who knew him best and were familiar with her

life and merits. The local bishop would them make the decision. Today

only the pope can declare saints after years of study by the Sacred

Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican. The church does not

create saints. Only God can do that. The Church "screens" candidates for

sainthood to determine if they had a life worthy of emmulation. In other

words, do they make good role models. Also, the Church has to be assured

that the person is actually in Heaven. That is the reason that today a

number of miracles must be verified before a person can be declared a


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13y ago

People did not have last names at the time. Martha is known as Martha of Bethany.

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9y ago

The date of Saint Martha's death is unknown but probably occurred from the mid to late first century AD.

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9y ago

Martha was born about the year 1 AD. The precise date is not known.

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Q: When was Saint Martha declared as saint?
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