Gregory Despres was born in 1982-07.
Leon Despres was born on 1908-02-02.
Scott C. Despres was born in 1971.
Simon Despres was born in Laval, Quebec on 07-27-91.
NHL player Simon Despres was born on 07-27-91 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 22 years old.
Michel Despres was born on October 14, 1957.
Serge Testa was born in 1950.
Serge Koussevitzky was born in 1874.
Serge Conus was born in 1902.
Serge Collot was born in 1923.
Serge Haroche was born in 1944.
Serge Chermayeff was born in 1900.