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A:Although tradition says that Simon Peter was crucified approximately 64 CE on the orders of Emperor Nero, it seems that this was unlikely to have been the case. In fact we do not know when or how Peter really died.

The first known mention of the execution of St. Peter was made by the second-century Pope Anicetus who, wishing to demonstrate that he spoke with the authority of Peter, reported that Peter had been beheaded in Rome. A century later, Origen changed this to say that Peter was sentenced to crucifixion but, feeling unworthy of being crucified like Jesus, asked to be crucified upside down.

Yet Clement of Rome, writing around 95 CE (1 Clement), spoke in general terms about the life and death of Peter but appears to have been unaware that he had even visited Rome and was certainly unaware that he had been executed in any way at all. We do not know when he died, but the most reasonable conclusion is that Peter probably died of natural causes.

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9y ago

Peter's execution is no mentioned in The Bible as the Acts of the Apostles had been written before he died. 2000 years of Catholic tradition and writings of the early Church fathers state that Peter was executed by crucifixion during the reign of Roman Emperor Nero between the years 64 and 67. He requested to be executed upside down as he did not feel worthy to die in the same manner as Our Lord.

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9y ago

There is nothing in the Bible that says that Peter was crucified, or indeed executed at all. The best evidence we have of the actual fate of St Peter is in the non-canonical book, 1 Clement, written approximately 95 CE by Clement of Rome. This speaks in general terms about the life and death of Peter but Clement appears to have been unaware that Peter had even visited Rome and was certainly unaware that he had been executed in any way at all.

A mid-second-century tradition was that Peter was beheaded on the orders of Nero. A century later, Origen changed this to say that Peter was sentenced to crucifixion but, feeling unworthy of being crucified like Jesus, asked to be crucified upside down.

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9y ago

Catholic Tradition, writings of the early Church Fathers and biblical passages place Peter in Rome in the early 5th decade of the first century AD. However, in AD49 the Roman Emperor Claudius grew fearful of the Jewish population in Rome and conflicts between Christianized Jews and the tradional Jews. He ordered the Jews out of Rome. Peter was one of them. He appears in Jerusalem about the year 49 or 50 for the Council of Jerusalem. Because of the political situation in Jerusalem Peter went to Antioch where he ruled the Church until Nero became Roman Emperor in AD56 and lifted the Jewish expulsion. Peter then returned to Rome where he remained until his death by crucifixion upside down sometime between AD64 and 67. For more information see this link.

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9y ago

Although tradition says that Simon Peter was crucified approximately 64 CE on the orders of Emperor Nero, it seems that this was unlikely to have been the case. In fact we do not know when or how Peter really died.

The first known mention of the execution of St. Peter was made by the second-century Pope Anicetus who, wishing to demonstrate that he spoke with the authority of Peter, reported that Peter had been beheaded in Rome. A century later, Origen changed this to say that Peter was sentenced to crucifixion but, feeling unworthy of being crucified like Jesus, asked to be crucified upside down.

Yet Clement of Rome, writing around 95 CE (1 Clement), spoke in general terms about the life and death of Peter but appears to have been unaware that he had even visited Rome and was certainly unaware that he had been executed in any way at all. We do not know when he died, but the most reasonable conclusion is that Peter probably died of natural causes.

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4mo ago

Simon Peter was traditionally believed to have been crucified during the reign of Emperor Nero around AD 64-68 in Rome.

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