

When was SkyDrive created?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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SkyDrive was created in 2007.

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Which company created the Skydrive?

MIcrosoft created the Skydrive. It was originally released to the public in August 2007, under a different name (Windows Live Folders). The most recent updates to Skydrive were made in September 2012.

How do I share a picture to my skydrive?

You can share a picture on your skydrive by uploading the picture that are up to to 2 GB.

What is the meaning of skydrive?

Skydrive is an online storage facility where you can store your files and access them from anywhere. It is run by Microsoft.

What's skydrive on windows?

SkyDrive on Windows, which is free, allows a person to store their files and gain access to them regardless of where you are.

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How can i transfer Skydrive data from 1 account to another account?

Gladinet will do it for you. But !! but it will really be doing the following: Downloading the contents of the first skydrive to your computer to a temporary area, then uploading them to the second skydrive, which will take big time bandwidth. Unfortunately, there is no such service from Microsoft itself to do the transfer on their servers

How could one get a free Microsoft Word download option from Windows Vista?

Microsoft offers a service called SkyDrive, which can be obtained by creating a free online SkyDrive account. SkyDrive allows free downloads to Microsoft customers for all of the Microsoft Office products, including Microsoft Word

Does Windows Live SkyDrive come with free storage?

Yes. 7GB

Is there a way to save to Google drive like it is a hard drive - I know you can with SkyDrive but Gdrive is a lot more convenient to you?

Yes, you can do that. Google calls it "Drive". You can download it from Google sitea and in use the same way as SkyDrive.

How do you double space on skydrive?

you highlight you document then you go to line spacing on the toolbar

What are the release dates for IGN Daily Fix - 2009 PS4's New Interface and SkyDrive for X1?

IGN Daily Fix - 2009 PS4's New Interface and SkyDrive for X1 was released on: USA: 12 November 2013