

When was Starscream created?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Starscream was created in 1984.

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Q: When was Starscream created?
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How tall is Starscream from Transformers?

Starscream stands at 32 feet tall.

How tall is starscream?

Movie Starscream stands at 32 feet tall.

How old is starscream?

I thing that Starscream is about 29-32 years(human) old.

Do Starscream and Megatron fight each other in Transformers 2?

no but megatron attacks starscream. starscream never tries to fight with his leader. but they do fight in cartoons.

Will starscream die in transformers 2?

No Starscream is still alive at the end of Transformers 2

Does Starscream ultimately kill Megatron?

yes in TF armada Starscream kills Megatron with GILT.

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Optimus Prime is stronger than both Starscream and Megatron because he is a Prime. Megatron is stronger than Starscream though.

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Starscream of course because in Transformers 1 Blackout died and Starscream suvived when fighting Optimus Prime and Starscream is 2nd in command.

Does Starscream kill Optimus?

no he does not

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What kind of jet is Starscream?

Starscream is an F-22 Raptor

Who is bigger megatron or starscream?

Yes he is. You can obviously see that starscream is a push over and megatron can easily intimidate him also optimus prime is far bigger then starscream and megatron is slightly bigger then optimus so there you go.