

When was Stratospheric created?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Stratospheric was created in 2000.

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Q: When was Stratospheric created?
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What is the mechanism of the natural dynamic equilibrium of stratospheric ozone?

Stratospheric ozone is created by UV. It also replenishes it maintaining equilibrium.

Where is the ozone layer created?

Ozone layer is created in atmosphere. It is in the stratospheric layer.

Why stratospheric ozone is desirable on human?

Stratospheric ozone is desirable on human beings. It is due to the fact that stratospheric ozone is a vital part in protecting the UV rays.

What is the natural dynamic equilibrium of stratospheric ozone?

The natural dynamic equilibrium of stratospheric ozone involves the continuous creation and destruction of ozone molecules. Ozone is formed when oxygen molecules are broken apart by solar radiation, and it is destroyed by various chemical reactions involving other compounds in the atmosphere. This balance helps maintain a relatively stable ozone concentration in the stratosphere.

What is destroying the stratospheric ozone?

Stratospheric ozone forms the ozone layer. Destroying it is ozone depletion.

What is stratospheric ozonehow does it occur?

Stratospheric ozone is present in ozone layer. It occurs because of UV.

How are humans changing both tropospheric and stratospheric ozone?

No, they are not. Humans are chaging the stratospheric ozone only.

What is the stratospheric ozone layer and what does it do?

Stratospheric ozone is the one which protects us from the UV rays. It is a protective layer.

Why strathospheric ozone?

The stratospheric ozone is the ozone present in the stratospheric region. It protects us from the UV rays.

What the stratospheric ozone layer does?

Stratospheric ozone protects us from the harmful UV rays. It is present as the ozone layer.

What is the problem relating to the stratospheric ozone?

The problem relating to the stratospheric ozone is ozone depletion, primarily caused by human activities releasing substances like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons into the atmosphere. This depletion leads to the thinning of the ozone layer, allowing harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation to reach the Earth's surface, which can have detrimental effects on human health, ecosystems, and the environment. Efforts like the Montreal Protocol have been made to phase out the use of ozone-depleting substances and protect the ozone layer.

The stratospheric ozone layer forms at what altitude?

The stratospheric ozone layer forms at high altitude. It is 25 km.