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The Alzheimer Case was created on 2003-10-15.

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Q: When was The Alzheimer Case created?
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Alzheimer Society of Canada was created in 1979.

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Alzheimer's Association was created in 1980.

When was Alzheimer Disease International created?

Alzheimer Disease International was created in 1984.

When was Journal of Alzheimer's Disease created?

Journal of Alzheimer's Disease was created in 1998.

When was Alzheimer's Research UK created?

Alzheimer's Research UK was created in 1992.

When was Current Alzheimer Research created?

Current Alzheimer Research was created in 2004.

What is Alzheimer's disease and where can I do more research on this health topic?, created by the Alzheimer's Association, is the best place to learn more about Alzheimer's disease. This website is dedicated to educating the public about Alzheimer's disease.

Did alois alzheimer have alzheimer's?

No, he did not have Alzheimer's disease. He did, however, study a very special case of Auguste Deter in 1901, who had severe dementia no one had ever seen before. After his studies on severe dementias, the disease got it's name.

Is it alzheimer or alzheimer's?

It is Alzheimer's.

Who discovered alzheimer's?

Alzheimer's disease was named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906

Can Alzheimer's disease be treated with zinc?

However, in the case of people with Alzheimer's disease, zinc can cause more harm than good. Some experiments indicate that zinc actually decreases intellectual function of people with this disease.