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The Pesticide Question was created in 1993.

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When was My Pesticide created?

My Pesticide was created in 2007.

What is the ISBN of The Pesticide Question?

The ISBN of The Pesticide Question is 9780412035814.

How many pages does The Pesticide Question have?

The Pesticide Question has 441 pages.

Do fish die from pesticide?

Yes. Pesticide is a poison created to kill living things.

A farmer wants to know if a new pesticide will produce better tomatoes than his old pesticide. Which of the following is the best hypothesis to use to address his question?

Using the new particles produces bigger tomatoes than using the old pesticide.

A farmer wants to know if a new pesticide will produce better tomatoes than his old pesticides. Which of the following is the best hypothesis to use to address his question?

Using the new pesticide produces bigger tomatoes than using the old pesticide. -Apex

Should the government keep pesticide?

Yeah they should and use it on you for asking such a stupid question.

How can chlorine be used to make a plastic and a pesticide?

i dont think this question makes sense yayayaya

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A pesticide kills 99.9 percent of a pest population What will be the result of the continued application of this pesticide?

the 0.1% of the population would be resistant, should they breed the sucessive populations would be resistant resulting in the product becoming ineffective over time Study Island Question : Chemicals can affect an ecosystem. Which of the following is a result of pesticide application? Answer: Pesticide kills all kinds of insects, including predatory insects, which in turn can increase the population of insects for which the pesticide was intended.

What is the difference between a Statistical Question and a Research Question example please?

The research question is what your research is trying to explain/find answer. It generally attempts to find a way to relate your experiment with a target population (usually humankind).The statistical question deals with your specific experiment as in how your experiment affects your sample population. It is essentially what you are trying to determine.Example:A company has developed a new pesticide designed to control pine beetles in the coniferous forests, but the law requires that it's effect on fish populations is tested first before it can be released. Thus, we'll test the pesticide on the mortality of a chose fish species in our lab.Research Question: To what extent will the use of the new pesticide harm native fish poplulations?Statistical Question: How does the pesticide, when introduced to the water source, affect the fish we have in our lab?

What is the opposite of systemic pesticide?

Local Pesticide