

When was Ultimate Nick Fury created?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Ultimate Nick Fury was created in 2001.

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When was Nick Fury created?

Nick Fury was created in 1963.

How do you beat marvel Ultimate Alliance 2?

You have to defeat Nick Fury to win the game.

Who is the final boss on marvel ultimate alliance 2?

Robotic Nick Fury is the final boss on Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.

Who is the voice for nick fury?

Chi McBride provides the voice of Nick Fury .

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Nick fury has no arch enemy, any enemy of S.H.IE.L.D. is his enemy

Why did Nick Fury suddenly turn black?

In the "Ultimate" series of Marvel comics, Nick Fury was reimagined as black to resemble actor Samuel L. Jackson, who gave permission to use his likeness in exchange for the chance to portray the character in any potential films. This change was well-received by fans and has since been carried over to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Why is it that in the recent Thor movie they use the ultimate version of Nick Fury but use the mainstream earth 616 version of Thor?

When making a comic book movie you get to pick and choose what you like best from the source material. Ultimate Nick fury was easy to cast as samuel jackson, main stream thor was easier for americans to relate to because of how much time he spends in america.

What do after beating nick fury on Ultimate Alliance 2?

play as deadpool green goblin venom and captain america those are the best and strongest characters to play as

How do you get Iron fist for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 for Wii?

You have to beat the whole game in medium or hard. Just like when you beat it in easy you get Nanite Nick Fury

Is Nick Fury black?


Did Nick fury die?

As of January 2010, "Nick Fury" is scheduled for release in 2012. this schedule could change. It is rumored to star Samual L. Jackson.

Without saying 'Marvel' who decided to make S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Nick Fury black?

I'm pretty sure Brian Michael Bendis made Nick Fury black in Ultimate Spider-Man. I seem to remember that he based his version off of Samuel L. Jackson. Naturally, they used Jackson for the Fury cameo in the Iron Man movie. I personally thought the original Fury was pretty cool as he was, but Bendis' version is all right too.