

When was Uproot created?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Uproot was created in 2008.

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Is radish difficult to uproot?

Nope. They are easy to uproot. Unless you are a weakling.

What are the release dates for Uproot - 2011?

Uproot - 2011 was released on: USA: 25 March 2011 (MNKINO)

What animals uproot plants?

There are a number of animals that uproot plants. The culprit could be an opossum, a raccoon, a rabbit, or a muskrat.

How can a tornado affect vegetation in an area?

Tornadoes can snap and uproot trees, break tree limbs, and uproot smaller plants.

How do you use 'uproot' in a sentence?

1. Can you help me uproot my plant and put it in the garbage?2. Sometimes, it takes a while to uproot a plant.3. Many trees are being uprooted because people are killing them.There are many other ways to use uproot in a sentence.

Can you cut Quincy bushes down and then uproot them?

Of course you can.

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Can an EF1 tornado uproot trees?

Yes, an EF1 and even an EF0 tornado can uproot trees, though it partly depends on the condition of the soil and how strong the root system is.

If you uproot a mandrake does it kill you?

No. This is a myth dating from at least 30BCE.

What does ruotpo spell?

The letters RUOTPO spell the word "uproot."

What kind of root system is easy to uproot?

tap roots

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she fell in a hole