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Weighed But Found Wanting was created on 1974-05-30.

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"Weighed But Found Wanting" is a phrase that originates from The Bible, specifically from the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament. The phrase refers to a scene where a figure is weighed on scales and found to be lacking in terms of moral or ethical character. It is not a standalone work or creation with a specific date of origin.

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What is the duration of Weighed But Found Wanting?

The duration of Weighed But Found Wanting is 2.13 hours.

If you have been weighed you have been measured and you have been found wanting?

yes you idiout

What does you have been weighed you have been measured and you have been found wanted mean?

The real quote is "you have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. " Wanting means to be found to not measure up; not capable of the certain task at hand. Therefore, to say this would basically mean: you have been tried and you have been tested, and you have been found to not measure up.

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Edward Bate has written: 'The speculative and practical atheist weighed in the ballances and found wanting. Two sermons'

What does weighed measured and found wanting mean?

"Weighed, measured, and found wanting" is an idiom that originated from the Bible (Daniel 5:27) and means to be evaluated thoroughly and determined to be insufficient, lacking, or unsatisfactory. It is often used to imply someone's shortcomings or failures have been exposed after careful examination.

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Charles M'Ewen has written: 'Arminianism exposed' 'Armimanism exposed: or, Hibernicus, Maxwell, and MacAfee, weighed in the balance and found wanting !'

When was Wanting - novel - created?

Wanting - novel - was created in 2008.

When was The Wanting Seed created?

The Wanting Seed was created in 1962.

When was Desperately Wanting created?

Desperately Wanting was created in 1996.

Who originally said you have been tested and found wanting?

The origin of the phrase "you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting" is from the Book of Daniel in the Bible, specifically in chapter 5. In the story, the phrase is uttered by a disembodied hand that appears and writes on the wall during King Belshazzar's feast.

When was Red Wanting Blue created?

Red Wanting Blue was created in 1995.