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Q: When was World War 2 over officially over?
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How did World War 2 officially begin?

World War begins officially when The Attack on Pearl Harbor happens.

World War 2 officially began when Germany did what?

World War 2 officially began when Adolf Hitler sent the Wehrmacht (army) to invade Poland on September 1, 1939.

What two countries involved in World War 2 are still officially at war?

Russia and Japan are officially still at war, and they have been since war was declared in the Second World War. However there hasn't been any military engagements between them since World War 2 ended.Russia and Japan refuse to sign a treaty ending the hostilities between them because of a territorial dispute over the Kuril Islands.

How did World War 2 end officially?

It ended with the surrender of Japan.

When was the last time Italy was on war?

World WAr 2 was the last time Italy was at war officially.

How long was Japan involved in World war 2?

They were officially in World War 2 6 years but they had started warring back in the 1930s.

Who exactly started world war?

the invasion of Poland by the German nazi party officially started world war 2

What country stayed officially neutral during World War 1 and World War 2?

Switzerland,Sweden and Spain

What year did us commit to world war 2?

The U.S.A. officially joined World War 2 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1945.

When did the Allies officially win World War 2?

9th september, 1945

When did conscription end in Britain after world war 2?

It officially ended in 1960.

When did World War 2 officially begin in Asia?

07 Dec 1941