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There is no easy answer to this question because it is so broad. Petroleum can be refined into a multitude of substances. Although the first recognized commercial refinery is widely believed to have been in the late 1850's, there is ample evidence to show the advent of the refining of petroleum for kerosene nearly 1000 years earlier in the ninth century by the Persian Razi (or Rhazes). Further, if you allow for natural refinement, naphtha and similar products were used in warfare by both the Greeks and Romans, and probably before. If you would like to refine your question, perhaps someone can give you a more precise answer. So, to answer your question as asked, "Crude oil was first naturally refined in prehistoric times, and was used for things such as water proofing, building (adhesives), fuel, and medicine."

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Q: When was crude oil first refined?
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Is crude oil the oil you put in cars?

Yes, but they make it into gasoline first. Crude oil is not the oil you put in the crankcase. That is oil that is refined from crude oil and then additives are added.

How does crude oil turn in energy?

Crude Oil is refined into gasoline.

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Crude Oil in a natural form has been around for millennia. James Young first refined kerosene from oil in 1859.

What were some of the first products refined from crude oil?

One of the first commercially viable products refined from crude was Kerosene, which was the "hurricane lamp" fuel of the later 1800's.

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Gasoline is refined from crude oil, and crude oil comes from the earth.

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refined oil(gasoline)

What is oil called before its been refined?

Crude oil. and this comes in different grades.

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It is refined from crude oil

Did crude oil means petroleum?

Petroleum is refined from crude oil and is but one fraction only

What Is Diesel Used For In Crude Oil?

Diesel isn't used in crude oil it is a refined product of it

How much diesel is refined from 1 barrel of crude oil?

About 9.21 gallons of diesel is refined from each 42-gallon barrel of crude oil.

What is oil called before it is has been refined?

Crude Oil.