

When was elephantiasis discovered?

Updated: 6/9/2024
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15y ago

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I think it was discovered in 1988, but no one knew how to stop it. You can go to http://www.elephantiasis/pictures and it will show what this transforming disease does to an innocent person. WARNING: THEY ARE REAL!!!!!

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15y ago
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16h ago

Elephantiasis was first described by ancient Greek historians in the 4th and 5th centuries BC. The link between filarial parasites and elephantiasis was confirmed in the late 19th century by science.

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13y ago

Patrick Manson discovered it in 1877.

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A major symptom of elephantiasis is the swelling of the arms and the legs.

Is elephantiasis an air-borne disease?

No, elephantiasis is caused by microscopic parasitic threadlike worms

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Elephantiasis is caused by a microfilarial nematode (very small worm).

What does elephantiasis mostly result from?

The agents responsible for most of the elephantiasis in the world are filarial worms

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Elephantiasis is a disease that causes thickening of the skin and tissue. Elephantiasis can cause certain body parts to swell to the size of a soccer ball or basketball.

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the Filarial round worm causes elephantiasis

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Carl Fr Hecker has written: 'Die Elephantiasis' -- subject(s): Elephantiasis

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What is the definition of elephantiasis?

a gross and visible enlargement of the arms and legs Elephantiasis is characterized by the gross enlargement of a limb or areas of the trunk or head.

What causes elephantiasis filariasis?

Three kinds of round worms cause elephantiasis filariasis: Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and Brugia timori

What is elephantiasis also called?

Other terms for elephantiasis are Barbados leg, elephant leg, morbus herculeus, mal de Cayenne, and myelolymphangioma