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According to religious texts Satan was God's first angel or a son of God. So in a broad sense God and the Devil were friends and family.

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Q: When was god and the devil friends?
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The devil was once one of God's angels. The angels were meant to serve God. When God created humans he created them to become friends with him. The devil became jealous that God would have a closer relationship with humans than with the angels and decided to rebel against God, thus giving us all the actions that we get from evil.

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Nowhere. How would the devil protect God when God created the devil? (Ezekiel 28)

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nobody knows... only God and the devil himself.... all I know is that the devil used to be an angel, but he sinned, he took his friends and left heaven, then they have been turned to demons and devils.

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The devil was not "made." The Scriptural account is that the devil was originally created by God as one of His many good angels. A rebellion against God amongst the angels occurred - the leader of whom is the devil. The good angel was indeed made by God, but the devil (as he now is) was not made by God.

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Devil and god doesn't exist; these are only stories for children or people without intelligence. No the devil does not kill god in christianity and the answer above is biased

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Oh God You Devil. George Burns is God and the Devil.

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God has control over life and death. Devil is just another creation of God.

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Mt opinion is god. But saintinists are the devil. But Atheist dont have a religion.

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The duration of God Went Surfing with the Devil is 2.07 hours.

Did the puritans believe in the devil?

duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh because god believed in the devil so they believed in god and the bible