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Mercury was found as a residue from gold and people started drinking it believing it was the "Elixir of Life" around the 20th century. Well, once people died they learned it was poisonous and conducted research as to why. Though I won't go into great detail about this needless to say mercury should never under any circumstances be drunk or sniffed. Though, I know noone was planning to do so... Hope this helped... If not... TOO BAD! JKJKJK

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Q: When was it discovered that mercury was poisons?
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I know for a fact there is Mercury and Lead in the monitors.

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None. Mercury was discovered before spacecraft were invented.

What element poisons the brain?

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Planet Mercury was not discovered, it has been known to exist for thousands of years.

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The ones who discovered the element Mercury were the ancients

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Mercury doesn't really affect our water, it affects and poisons us and other life in the water. It is a poison that interferes with the brain and nervous system.

Who dicovered Mercury?

No one can really say who founded or who discovered Mercury but it is said that it was discovered nearly 3000 years ago.

Who named the element mercury?

The ones who discovered the element mercury were the ancients

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No natural satellites of Mercury have been discovered.

Can you die from mercury exposure?

You can get mercury poisoning, most commonly obtained by eating dolphins (which have higher levels of mercury than some other animals). Which, as the name inplies, poisons you slowly.

In what year did mercury get discovered?