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Christianity began as a non-denominational group after the ascension of Christ. Since then, there have always been groups that have not been aligned to any of the formal denominations. Non-denominational churches have increased in the post war period as many become disillusioned with the mainstream denominations.

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Q: When was non-denominational Christianity founded?
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Nondenominational Christians all believe in God. It just means that they have not formally joined a specific denomination or sect of Christianity.

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Yes Nondenominational do believe in Christmas.

Would you capitalize the word Nondenominational?

No, unless it's part of a name--for example, The Second Nondenominational Community Church." But: "The church I attend is nondenominational."

Why was Christianity founded?

Christianity was founded because God sent Jesus to save his chosen people (the Jews).

Who founded the religion of Christianity?

Christianity came about after the life and death of Jesus Christ. It can therefore be said that Jesus was the founder of Christianity.

What is a nondenominational faith?

Nondenominational means not related to any specific religion or church.

Was spartacus the foundr of christainanity?

Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.

What is another word for nondenominational?

The closest would "other word" would be secular. Nondenominational (or the slang term non-denom) means, in laymen terms, pertaining to or "of" Christianity but not of an organized religion or organization like Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian etc. Secular means, not pertaining to religion at all.

Where was Christianity founded and who found it?

Christianity was founded in Israel, and Jesus Christ (the son of God) was the founder. ADDED: Jesus did not found Christianity. The religion was founded by followers of his teachings, and originally as a sect of the Judaism which was their and Jesus' faith.

What is the name of the religion founded by Jesus?

Mormons or LDS

By whom was Christianity founded?


What religion was founded on the teaching of Jesus?
