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it was discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming.

The person that is responsible for the isolation and development of Penicillin is Howard Florey.

The person who is credited for discovering penicillin is Alexander Flemming and this took place in 1928. However his interest ended in it after having tested its effectiveness for treating infections in open wounds. 10 years later an Australian named Howard Florey saw the possibility's in penicillin. Florey and his team, Chain, N.G. Heatley, A.D. Gardner, J. Orr Ewing, M.A. Jennings and his wife Ethel Florey published their findings in the Lancet in an article entitled 'Penicillin as a chemotherapeutic agent'. in the Lancet (24 August, 1940), which is held by the National Library. It wasn't until 1941 that Florey and his team tested the drug on a human: In 1945, Florey, Alexander Fleming and Ernst Chain jointly received the Nobel Prize.

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