

When was slavery permitted in US?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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12y ago

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before January 1863

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Q: When was slavery permitted in US?
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Was slavery permitted in Louisiana?

Yes, it was.

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The document that said slavery would not be permitted in any area won from Mexico was the?

The document that said slavery was not permitted in any area won from Mexico was known as the Wilmot Proviso.

What was the South concerned about if slavery was not permitted in Kansas?

They were concerned that slavery would come 2 kansas

What kind compromise was necessary for the Constitution to be accepted?

The main compromise in the original US Constitution was about slavery, which was permitted in some states and prohibited in others.

How did the compromise of 1850 settled the debate over slavery in the land that the us gain after the mexcain war?

It permitted slavery in those two states, as the price of California being admitted as free soil.

Where did slavery exist in the US in 1820?

In 1820, politicians debated the question of whether slavery would be legal in the western territories. The Missouri Compromise permitted slavery in the new state of Missouri and the Arkansas Territory but it was barred everywhere west and north of Missouri.

Which royal governor of Georgia permitted slavery?

Henry Ellis.

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Was there slavery in Utah and New Mexico after Compromise of 1850?

Slavery would have been permitted in these territories. (Don't know if it happened.)

What is the name for a state that did not allow slavery?

States that permitted slavery were known as slave states. States that did not permit slavery were known as free states.

Does the US constitution abide by the ideas stated in the declaration of independence?

No, they are two entirely separate documents.