

When was solar energy used first?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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About 4.57 billion years ago! The Wikipedia link below has a very in-depth discussion of the applications and history of solar energy.

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15y ago

Millions of years ago...............By plants and the atmosphere!!!

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Where was solar energy first used?

solar energy was first used by sir francis grandio in the 6th century

How was solar energy first used?

by plants and the atmosphere

How much is solar energy used compared to other energy sources?

Solar energy accounts for a small percentage of global energy production compared to other sources such as fossil fuels. However, its usage is growing rapidly as technology advances and costs decrease. Solar energy has the potential to play a significant role in the future energy mix as countries transition to more sustainable sources.

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how solar energy is used

What solar energy used for?

Solar energy is used for heating and electricity.

How would you make a flow chart for Solar energy?

First going in is the sun solar energy then coming out is energy that can be used to power fridges stove ect.

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Solar Energy

What are the edvantages of solar energy?

Solar energy is inexhaustible. Solar energy is not pollution. Solar energy can be used anywhere on Earth.

Can solar energy be used for electricity?

Solar energy can be used to produce electricity.

Is solar energy used in Florida?

Yes, solar energy is used in Florida.

What device is used to convert solar energy to electricity?

A solar panel is used to convert solar energy into electricity. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that capture sunlight and convert it into usable electricity through a physical and chemical process.

Where can solar energy be effectively used?

Solar energy can be effectively used in desert areas.