

When was the Alamo captured?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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The Battle of the Alamo was on the morning of 6 March 1836.

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Q: When was the Alamo captured?
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No. The Alamo was a siege and battle where many Texan settlers died. Mexican president Santa Anna was captured at the Battle of San Jacinto.

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Santa Anna was not captured at the Battle of the Alamo. He won that battle. He was later captured by Sam Houston and Texas forces at the Battle of San Jancito on April 21, 1836.

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i really dont know sorry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No. Texas was free after Sam Houston captured Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna.

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There are several weaknesses. First, it was an exposed position. Second, its small physical size. Third, it had adobe walls.

Remember the Alamo fallacy?

No. Houston rallied his forces at the battle of San Jacinto, which he defeated the Mexican army in only 18 minutes, with cries of "Remember the Alamo, Remember Goliad!"The Mexicans had executed 300 men captured at Goliad under Colonel Fannin.

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it said that all men taking up arms against Mexico would be captured and treated as pirates(meaning execution)

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On March 6, 1836, Mexican forces under the command of General Lopez Antonio de Santa Anna captured the mission-turned-fort called Alamo, defended by some 200 American volunteers and located amid the Texan settlement of San Antonio. Despite this defeat in the ultimately successful "Texas Revolution", the Alamo has continued to be preserved and celebrated as an American triumph.

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David Crockett died fighting at the Alamo on the morning of March 6, 1836, at age 49. He may have been captured and executed, but the facts are unclear.