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To invent something you have to make it. It was invented.

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Q: When was the Chinese magnetic compass invented or made?
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When was the first magnetic compass invented?

The magnetic compass is an old Chinese invention, first made in China. but the first was made in the Qin dynasty in 221-206 BC

When was the invetion of the compass made?

According to some books that I have read, the compass i.e. magnetic compass was invented in 206 BC and that was used as device for divination by a Chinese person.

Which Chinese dynasty invented the magnetic compass?

The compass was first invented in the Han dynasty, but further improvements were made in the Song dynasty.

What year was the magnetic compass made?

The dry compass was invented around 1300.

Who invented the magnetic compass.?

The magnetic compass was made in China the second century AD. The Norse seamen of around 900 AD had magnetite rock that they used as a magnetic compass.

What did the chines invent?

They invented the magnetic compass, the wheelbarrow, the ancient abacus, gunpowder, fireworks, silk, chopsticks, paper, compass, noodles, printing, and the tea. The Chinese made a lot of culture and a lot of Chinese people believed in Buddha after the Three Kingdoms dynasty.

Who made compass?

The magnetic compass was invented in Ancient China. the maritime type came out around the time of Columbus, with the time honored 32 points .

Which invention is more important the astrolabe or the magnetic compass why?

In my opinion I think the magnetic compass is more important because It made worldwide travel easier and encouraged more exploration.

Where was the magnetic compass made?


What was the name of the person who made the first compass?

I don't believe the actual name of the person is known considering how old the compass actually is. The magnetic compass is an old Chinese invention, first made in China during the Qin dynasty (221-206 B.C.)

What is a directional compass?

a compass is a directional object made by the magnetic forces of the earth

What is the name of the Chinese inventor who made the compass?

It isn't really known who actually invented the compass, but we do know that it was around 215 B.C.E. (also can be written as 215 BC)