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No, the river dolphin is not extinct it is only endangered you may not see it but that's only because they are scared of human life.

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Q: When was the Chinese river dolphin extinct?
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What was thed first dolphin to be extinct?

Chinese river dolphin

Is the dolphin endangerd of specie?

Most dolphins are not endangered. However the Chinese river dolphin and a few other dolphin species are endangered. In fact, the Chinese river dolphin might be extinct.

What kind of populations is the Chinese river dolphin?

The Chinese river dolphin is an extinct species - A living individual cannot be found in this species anywhere in the world.

What animals are extinct or becoming extinct in the Yangtze's?

The Baiji, or Yangtze River Dolphin, was declared functionally extinct in 2006. The Chinese Paddlefish is also believed to be functionally extinct.

Why did the Baiji river dolphin become extinct?

The river dolphin is not extinct. They can be found in the Mekong river and the Amazon river.

Is the river dolphin extinct?

no but they are endangered

Is there a dolphin that's completely extinct?

yes the river dolphin

What dolphins are already extinct?

I'm not sure but I know one is the Chinese River Dolphin or there's hardly any of them left.

Is the ganges river dolphin endangered?

It is extinct.

Why is a river dolphin extinct?

fisher man

What is a quongquong?

an extremely rare (if not extinct) Chinese dolphin.

Are dolphins extinc?

In December 2006 The Baiji Dolphin (also known as the Yangtze River Dolphin) was considered functionally extinct. In August 2007 they were spotted in China. Dolphin species that is in danger of becoming extinct is the Indus River Dolphin (Pakistan). Less that 600 dolphins are left. The Ganges River Dolphin and the Amazon River Dolphin are considered threatened.