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Q: When was the Taliban's first military action?
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What country was first to be invaded by Germany during the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was not a military action

What is a military action?

A military action is an action carried out by armed forces. A military action could be just the National Guard helping flood victims or it could be the invasion of a city by military personnel.

What country did the US fight the talibans?

The answer is afghanistan!!

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The Persian Empire

What was the Confederacy's first military action as a sovereign nation?

Seizing Fort Sumter from the Union Army

What was the confederacy a first military action as a sovereign nation?

Seizing Fort Sumter from the Union Army

Why did President Polk want to provoke Mexico into taking military action first?

to get more land

What was the first military action the confederacy took in the civil war?

Capturing Fort Sumter from the Union army.

What are some luxuries banned by Talibans?

Type your answer here... idk

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What were the first actions taken by the us once war was declared?

Once the war was declared the first action by the United States was to deploy its military.

Why was the Holocaust not seen as a military action?

For the simple reason that slaughtering defenceless civilians in order to commit genocide is not a military action.